Friday, December 7, 2007


Yesterday , I was very sleepy because I did your homework ( Blog ) since 9 P.M. - 11.30 P.M. . Everytimes , I did the blog with my intentionally . I spent 2 - 2.30 hours to do it because I think it will make my grade better . And It could help to improve my typing skill . And another one reason that made me feel sleepy was at that night , in my village . There was a terrible situation . Not far from my home , the fire burnt up at the plastic factory that ownd by my friend's family . My neighbor rang the bell many times . I woke up with startle and confused . I heard the sound of a siren near my house . My mother and I walked hurry to the first floor . My neighbor shout " Burn up , Burn up " . I looked outside , the fire burnt so high . The sky became red and a lot of smoke . The 4 fire - engines concentrated to squirt water into a factory . My mother told me to prepare a necessary things . But I at that time , I only though that money is the most important .

Very good luck 30 minutes later the fire burnt off . I walked to in front of my home Many people talked about the cause of fire burnt . They presumed that an electric panel was lose . After that , my mother called me to take a bath . My class started on 8 o'clock . The times passed very slowly . I felt a little bit headache . After class finished , I went to buy 2 pills of aspirin and ate it . I felt better quietly and walked to learn a family law at D41 . On that day , I absented your class because I might to do something before the mid - term exam . I went to a Brahma temple at Sirom road to redeem a vow to a god . Last semaster , I had make a vow to a god about my grade . I vowed that if I get a good grade I will come back again to thank humbly . The result was 3.54 . It made me feel very happy and my mother proud in me a lot .

We left from ABAC on 12 o'clock with my friend . His name is Peerapong ( short man ) . He learnt with you on English I & II and he got A- on English . We got a mini bus to Big C and get on a bus number 115 to Silom road . On the bus , we felt breath - taking because a chauffeur drove very fast . He always cut in front of many people's car . When I got down the bus , I breathe deeply and felt good . Before we came in , we went to buy a sacrifice set . It price 90 bath consisted of banana , coconut , oil , garland , incense and candle . When I stepped in , I felt strange . When I was young . My mother usually led me with her but when I grew up I didn't came here .

When we redeem finished , we depart to came back home . I arrived at home about 5 P.M. . Next , I went to take a bath and eat dinner . Then I picked a book to read . I must to prepare myself for the exam . There are 2 subjects in the mid - term exam that are World Civilization on December 14 ( first day ) and English III . I read only one chapter because I was so tired and very sleepy . so , I decided to go to bed .

End.... -.- See you next year . Bye ... ^.^ Happy New Year A.Jasper .

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

His Majesty's birthday

Today is a His Majesty's birthday or Father Day . This day is very important and full of happiness because every people will show their feeling of love to their father . For me , I sent a message to my father because he went to do his work at the southern of Thailand . So , I have not chance to say love directly to him . In the message I wrote that I love him and thank you for everything that he did for me and my family . Finally , I wished him have a happy life and healthy . My another one activity is I got up early to offered food to a monk . It make me felt better and satisfied a lot .

Yesterday , my king maked a speech to every Thai people through the television . He said about on this time , many people in the society are indulge in greed . Some group of people care only themself . They can do everything to make their life comfortable . Rich people taked benefit from poor people . That meant it was not fair . The king said every people in the society were equal . So every people should help each other and make a unity in the society . Furthermore , he said about a serious situation at the deep south of Thailand . He wanted the murderer to stop killing and start a new life . And he also hope that Thailand will return to calm again .

Today , a lot of Thai people wore a yellow shirt and went to reserve a place to wait for looking a king and others royalty . They a national flag on hands and said " Long live the king " when the a royal car ran over their face . Some people cried because full of happiness . In the evening , the people will assemble again . Lighted a candle and sing a song to show respect to the king .

For about my his majesty's achievement . He introduced many of projects to solve the problem of Thai people . For example , flood ( to build a dam ) , drought ( used a artificial rain ) and high price of oil ( used the others fuel such as natural gas ) Moreover , he introduced a famous theory known as " Enough life " . The objective of this theory is every people should be satisfy in your life . Happy in your work , your position and how to manage your life .

In my opinion , I think he is the best king of the world ( Are you agree with me A.Jasper ? )because he is very diligent , smart and patient . He did everything for his citizens to make their life happy and comfortable . He never says that he is tried or bored to work for his citizens . I think I am very lucky to born to be Thai people and I am very pround of my majesty . He is respected by every Thai people . And every Thai people called him " Dad "

Finally , I wished him have a good healthy and have a long live to support us . For me I will try to be a good student . I wil not make a problem and I will do my best .

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Shopping at Sunday market

Yesterday , I got up early and I felt so good because I planned to go to Sunday market for shopping . When I leave my home , I looked up at the sky . It look so very nice , bright , fresh air and a little bit cool wind . I walked to the bus station with my cheerfully . I got up to bus number 138 . It would stop opposite at JJ Mall . After that , I decided to come in JJ Mall . That was my first time to came in there . There are many interesting products here such as furniture , clothes , toy and food .

Then I went to eat breakfast at Yum Sab resturant . I ordered Yam Mama and a glass of ice coffee ( Yum in Thai mean sour salad and Mama is a semifinished noodles ) . It taste was not good . It was too sour and very spicy . My mouth was red slowly and a little bit tears in my eyes . I think this is my last time to eat at here . Next , I walked slowly to look many interesting products . I saw very nice woolen coat . I walked directly into the shop and asked a shop owner How much ? He said .........Hmm.....I give you 3,500 baht . When he replyed , I smiled to him , said thank you very much and walked out . It is very very expensive .

After that , I walked to Sunday market . It is close JJ Mall . Most of products is an animal such as dog , fish , bird and aquatic plant . But sometimes would have snake and wild animals . My real objective was to buy some aquatic plants to add them into my tank because There are only 5 or 6 types of aquatic plant in it that I thought it is too little . My favorite aquatic plant shop name is Pranee . I like this shop because There are many kinds of aquatic plant and moss . But the important thing is a cost . It cheaper than others shop . I bought many kinds of moss such as Brazilian moss , Star moss and Christmas moss . The total cost was 400 baht . Before I walked out . I saw a lot of dwarf shrimps in the tanks . There are many colors such as red , blue and green . It was very cute . And I fell in love with them . So , I decided to buy six of them . It cost 200 baht .

Then I walked to another shop name All fish . This shop had variety products . You can buy everything for your fish tank at here . There are many kinds of rare fish , aquatic plant and the equipment . I bought a small log and mini stone to decorate my fish tank . 3 hours later I felt hungry again ( This is the reason why I have a good shape like this -_- ) . This shop has a beautiful location circle around with trees . The food was very delicious . It is the northern food of Thailand known as Kao Soi . It is the fried egg noodles , poured with a coconut cream source and eat with vegetable . Finally , I walked in front of a JJ Mall to wait a bus . I arrived home about 5.30 P.M. . I felt so tire and sleepy . But I could not sleep . I might to set up my fish tank . I set up finished at 1.30 A.M. . After that , took a baht and go to sleep .

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Loy Krathong Day

Yesterday was a Loy Krathong Day or I called Full Moon Day . It is one of the important day of Thailand and very famous . Many foreigners known this day very well and they came in Thailand to join in this festival . Loy in Thai word mean float and Krathong is a leaf cup . It made from a trunk of a banana tree and decorated by banana leaves and many flowers . And in a Krathong we would sticked a candle and incense . Some people also put a coin in but I don’t know what for . In this time , many people like to used a bread to make Krathong because it can disband easily and a bread might be a food of many fish . Futhermore , it was unpolluted to the nature .

An objective of this ceremony is to show their respect and to apologize to a goddess of water . Her name is Kongkla . Thai people believe that she protect them , make their life better and riched of water to use all year . So , Thai people choosed this day to made a Krathong and floated it on the river and they hope goddess Kongkla would forgive them .

For me , I leave my home about 8 P.M. to went to Loy Krathong with my mother and my oldest brother . My father didn’t go with us because he went to the southern of Thailand to do his work . For my another brother , he went to Loy Krathong with his friend . But I didn’t think so . I thought he go with his girlfriend . He lie because my mother doesn’t want him to have girlfriend in this time because it was too fast . And she afraid that he will lose his learning . I think I agree with her because every mother will choose the best thing for her chind .

Back to a Loy Krathong story . I called a taxi to a public park not far from Central Rama II . There are a lot of people and many booths of food and Krathong . I bought a medium size of Krathong for fifty baht . Before I floated it I lighted a candle and incense . And I said apologize and wished many things to a goddess Kongkla such as about Thailand , I hope Thailand would calm in soon . About my family , I hope my mother and my father would healthy . The last thing for my own , I wished to successful in my learning and my life . After that , we went to buy a little bit foods and snacks . Seek some place to eat . And Look a beautiful colors fireworks on the clearly sky . Then we came back home about 10 P.M.. I was so tired and sleepy . I took a bath and went to bed . Finished happy Full Moon Day .

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Karl Mark

Every Tuesday and Thursday , I must get up at 5.30 o'clock to go to World Civilization class on 8 o'clock . I don't like these 2 days very much . I think it is too early . I spent the time in a van to slept but it was not enough . I still sleepy and felt dizzy . And the important thing is I had not much time to eat breakfast . I could only eat a sandwich and a box of milk that I am very boring them . However , A breakfast is very important . I had read a book about breakfast , the research told that if you don't eat breakfast it will make an affect to your health such as gastritis disease , your memery and your thinking . So , I tried to eat breakfast every .

In the World Civilization class , I must to wrote a lecture all the time because this subject have not a text book but if who want to read , they can buy it . But a teacher said write a lecture in the class is enough . On Thursday , a teacher gave us to make a group . We had a group discussion on that day . There are 10 people in my group . And you know most of them A.Jasper such as Mahaporn , Anawin , Rupkwan and Nawaporn . Next , we might select a group leader . The result is me . I was very worry about it because my English is not well . After that , a teacher called a group leader to draw lots of question . I got a question number 6 . A question is compare between the religion of Mesopotamian and Egyptian . We spent only 10 minutes to did them because there are a good helper in my group that is Mahaporn . I think he should be a group leader more than me . Then at the last time of the class , a teacher told a group leader to meet her again to draw lots of presentation's topic . I got Karl Mark . A teacher exclaim " Oh god " I didn't know why she said like that . In my group nobody knows who is him . And I didn't know as well .

Next , I walked to learn a family law at D41 not far from World Civilization class . There are only 6 students in class . And everytime a teacher might complain about a number of student in the class . She said that it is too little , this section should be dissolve . Her word made me feel unsatisfied because it is not a good reason . I paid a lot of money to ABAC to get a knowledge . Not to listened her complain . And she has only one job that is gave us a new knowledge . after class finished , I still have 2 classes on that day . In English III class , I got 2 good news . First is about my essay . I got B , it made me feel happy a lot . And another one is they have not class on Monday ha ha . When the time overed , I walked to Q building at 8th floors to look the class canceled board . I saw a piece of paper wrote that canceled class of Philosophy of law because a teacher was sick . So , I was smiling and came back home .

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Boring class

On Friday , I had an extra class at 9.30 o'clock that was Ethic Seminars class . But I was very bad luck . I woke up late because I setting alarm clock in my mobile phone but a battery was used up . I looked at a clock it was 8 o'clock . After that , I hurried took a bath and leave home . I got on a bus to Central Rama II to get a van to Big C Ramkhamhang . In the van , I pop up thought that this class must to wear a full uniform but I forgot my necktie on the table at my home . I think that day was my very bad day for me . Then I called to my friend . His name is Benz . He stay at ABAC condominium to borrow his necktie . When I arrived at ABAC it was 9.40 o'clock . I run hurried to ABAC to get a necktie and ran back to the Auditorium room . My close was wet with sweat and I was gasp for breath .

In the class , There was not much more students in class . There are about 100 or 150 students in class . I think many of student didn't know because may be , they were not pay attention to look the announcement on the blackboard . Including with that is the first section of Ethic Seminar class at Hua Mak campus . For students who absent class on that day . They must to make up a new class to the others section that it was complicate and waste the time .

For the lesson , we learnt about the human's rosponsibilities such as every people must to responsible for your action and must to solve the problem that was occurred from them or help others people to solve the problem such as when I broke the law I must be punish or when I drank a Pepsi can finished . I must to throwed a can awayinto a dustbin . At the last time of class , the teachers gave us a question paper . In a paper , there are a case study . But each student would get a different case study . For my case study is about a woman who want to join in the beauty contest . But she had a problem about her breast . She thought her breast was flat and it may be an obstacle for her . So , she went to meet a doctor . She want to have a plastic surgery but a doctor told her that it was dangerous . But she insisted to have a surgery . Finally , she felt pain in her breast because the silicone was leak and she may have a breast cancer . The question ask that a doctor is guilty or not and Why ?

After class finished , I went to eat lunch with Kannit ( a clever student ) . Next , we went to Ramkhamhang book center to buy a revenue code and others interesting book . Finally , we walked to Ramkhumhang's clock tower to come back home . When I reached at home , I felt headache . So , I went to take a bath , ate 2 pills of aspirin and went to sleep . Finished for boring day . Hour..............h so tired .

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Classical music

First of all , I want to say that I'm glad to learn English class with you again . First day of semester 2 , I was very excited for my new English teacher . I thought my new English teacher should be Mr. Clayton or other new teacher . I didn't think before that you would to teach English III to me . When I came in class I saw my new friends . Most of them are the senior . After that , you walked in class . Mr. Kannit and I smile and I said " Yes " . I promise that I will pay attention in class and I will try to be your good student .

By the way , On Tuesday , my first class started at 8 o'clock . It is the world civilization class . I got up at 5.30 o'clock and I felt very sleepy . I don't like to wake up early because it made me feel sleepy and lose my concentration in class . In the class , we were happy . A teacher is kind and friendly but she talked so very fast . She is Thai , her name is Soontriya . After that , I walked to C building to learn Criminal Law III . I hate Criminal Law a lot because it is very very hard and a lot of sections .

In the evening , I had an appointment with my relative . She is an editor of Ulife magazine . She got 2 free concert tickets from her boss and she persuaded me to look the concert with her because she know I like a classical music . She appointed me at Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre on 6 P.M. but she came late about 30 minutes . Then we got the underground train to the Thailand Cultural Centre . The concert started on 6.30 P.M. at the main hall . This band name is Euodia ensemble . They came from Japan . In the band consist of 1 soprano 1 bary tone 1 clarinet 1 cello 1 viola 1 piano and 2 violins . When I arrived the hall . A receptionist opened the door . The lookers looked at me . At that time , I felt ashamed and I wanted to apologize them because I disturbed them . During the performance , I felt good and relaxed . That is my first time for me to looked the live concert . After the concert finished , we went to eat dinner and then we departed to came back home .

Many people said that listen a classical music can help to develop the brain to thinking and remembering . I think I agree with this opinion because when I listened a classical music I would feel relax and good mood . And I felt that I had a new good idea after I listen a classical music . I think you should try to listen it . I confirm you will like it .

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Time to say goodbye

A.Jasper , I just known today that this week for the last post in blog and I feel so sad . Mr.Kannit called to told me but I don’t know before . I think you forgot .You didn’t tell the students section 884 that this week is the last week to do the last blog . First time , I plan to do my last post on next week about you only . But it was failed . There are many things that I want to tell you .

I learnt with you since I was studied in English I . First time that I met you in class . I I thought you are serious but I thought wrong . In fact you are very kind and happy mood . You like to say joking in class that made every students enjoy to learn with you . Another one problem is I didn’t understand what you say . Your accent is very strange . But for this time , I familiar your accent already . I understand 90% what you said . Many times we made you angry because we talked in Thai . I want to say sorry . I know you try to help us to improve English skills . But it very hard to change the innate character of Thai students .

A.Jasper you are very good teacher , deligent , fairness and good remember . You could remember every students’s name . Some student hardly like you because you are strict and gave them and me a lot of home work . But I think it is good . It can develope my English skills such as a blog can improve my thinking and typing skill and presentation help to improved my speaking skill . When I am free , I like to readed other students’re blog . It was fun and got a knowledge .

Finally , I want to say that I am very glad to learn with you . I feel you are my brother or maybe father ( If you want …..Ha ha ha ) And I want to say thank you for everything that you did for us . If you meet me outside the class . Please also say hello with me . You are one of my great teacher in my life . I will never forget you . Take care yourself and don’t smoking too much . It is not good for your healt . Bye bye …. See you .

OH!!! The important thing . I think I should pass English II . Give me a good grade …..please jub jub .

Friday, September 7, 2007

Eat -.- Ate -_- Eaten

On Tuesday , after class finished . I walked to in front of the university to came back home . During the way , my mobile phone was rang . My mother called to persuade me to ate dinner with her and my father at Central world . After that , I met Mr.Kannit . He told me that he would go to Siam Paragorn . I decided to go with him . We got on a mini bus to Big C . We walked to the boat station not far from Big C . When I reached at the boat station . I saw about 20 people stood at the pier . Just only 5 minutes a boat came . They walk hurried into a boat and took a seat .

That was my second times for me to traveled by boat . I hardly like to go to anywhere by boat because a boat shook all the time that make me feel dizzied . And another one reason is the water is so very dirty , dark color , bad smell and a lot of garbage float on a surface of the water . This is one of the big problem of Thailand that every people should to solve this problem together and the government should to increase the punishment for people whom throw the garbage in the river . I think this is the best solution .

It spent only 30 or 40 minutes . We board a boat at Pratunam . Then I departed with him . My mother called to me again and she told me that she waited me at the Doi Kham booth at the first floor . This booth would presented a local product of Thailand such as food , silk and handicraft . On that day , I tried to eat many of delicious food that I never eat before such as goat milk , smoked trout fish and ice cream in a avocado . I think it is a strange taste but I like it .

After that , we went to ate dinner at Fuji restaurant . I ordered rice with curry and salmon rooled . Japanese food is one of my favourite food because there are high quality , fresh , clean and good taste . The main ingredients of Japanese food are raw fish and vegetable that it good for my healt . Next , we went to ate a big bowl ice cream ( Earthquake ) . And then shopping a little bit in the super market . I arrived home about 20 p.m. I felt so tired and very fulled . My stomach was swollen and ready to explode if I eat more .

Friday, August 31, 2007


On Thursday , my class started on 8 o’clock . It is the law of insurance class . I don’t like this subject a lot because I must to woke up very early . And a teacher taught very boring . She spoke like a robot . She could not make students to pay attention to her . Sometimes , if I sleepy . I would walked behide the class and sleep , maybe read cartoon or listened the music . My friend learnt with her before on last semester and he told me a teacher is very kind in class . She never scold the students in class but on the exam . She gave the exam question very very hard . And she very strict to check the exam paper . Many of my friends failed this subject . But I hope that I will not be like them .

After class finished , I maked up your class and I very excited because I would receive the quiz paper . When I got it . I was very happy and satisfied about my scores . It is better more than I think . On the quiz day , you looked at my paper and told me that “ too short is not good ” that maked me feel very worried and I tried to think and wrote but the time was losed .

When the class finished , my mobile phone was rang . I very happy when I looked at the mobile screen . My friends called to me . They came to Hua Mak campas to learn Business Ethics Seminar . They study in the faculty of art ( French and Chinese) . So long ago , I didn’t met them . I very think of them . There are many stories that I want to talk with them . I could talked with them every stories .When I faced the problem that maked me sad and disappointed . They always helped me to solve the problem and encouraged me . They are honest , helpful and sincere with every people . They is my close friend and my best friend .

Then they persuaded me to eat lunch with them . I said yes instantly . We went to The Mall Bangkapi by mini red bus in front of the university . The weather is so hot and I felt a little bit headache . I went inside rapidly . The air conditioning maked me feel better . After that , we went to ate pizza and ending with ice cream . We ate deliciously and talked all the time . We departed to came back home at 4 P.M. That is another one nice day for me . I hope that I will meet them once again in soon .

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Modern life

Nowadays , The world is develope so very fast . There are many things that made our lifes was comfortable such as sky train , computer , mobile phone and a lot . Nobody deny to use them because they can make your life happy . In the past , when I did a report , I must to wrote in the paper by my hand writing . Afterwards , I used a typewriter . In this time , I can use a computer and I can find out information that I want to know from the internet . And I could do my homework in a computer such as this blog .

Last Saturday , I leave my home at 11 o’clock . I went to Pantip Plaza with my mother and my brother by taxi . That was my second time for me to went there .You can find and buy every technology goods and equipment at here such as computer , ipod or game . But the most important , you must to check carefully because something was not a genuine goods . The sellers copied them because they want to get more profit .

Most of copy goods came from China . I think that the people who bought a copy goods was very stupid because the copy goods created from low quality material . And it spoil very easy .

On that day , There are hp booth at the first floor . Most of their goods are printer and computer note book . My brother ask a salesman about the qualification of a computer note book . Finally , he decided to bought it . A product code is DV 2518 TX . It cost is 42,900 . And a little bit gifts such as solf case , mouse , bag and handy drive .

My brother wanted to by a computer note book because he learn in a faculty of computer management and it easy to carry to every place that you want to play . He want to use it to do his homework . He can use many computer programs such as Photo shop and Dream weaver .

For me , I wanted to buy ipod U2 . On this time , I used a mini disc player . My father bought it to me when I was 14 years old but I don’t like it because it was inconvenient . I must to change the disc frequently . Ipod U2 can watch a video , save a pictures , play game and listen the music . It cost is very very high . It very hard for me to decide to buy it . I used many years to save my money . And I should be sad if I loss them .

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Pro or Con ?

Today is very important for every Thai people who are more over 18 years old . Thailand is a democractic country . So , every people can say or do everything if they want . But it must not brake the law or make a trouble to others people in the society . On this time , Thailand has problem about a new draft of constitution law that came from coup d’etat . There are 2 opinions on this draft ( Agree or Disagree ) .

In this time , the citizens in Thailand are separate in 3 big groups that are 1. A group of people who like Mr.Thaksin 2. A group of people who like a government and 3. A neutral group . For my private reason . I don’t like Mr.Thaksin because I think he was corruption . He is selfish . He did everything for himself and his family not for others people . But this is only my opinion it is not affect for my decision in vote .

For me , I think I am in a neutral group because I am very boring about political in Thailand a lot . I don’t like both of 2 groups’re action . A group of Mr.Thaksin is savage . They damage many public building and harmed other people who was innocent . For a group of government came from coup d’etat of soldiers that violate the law . On this time , I don’t want to see or know the information about political in Thailand . I was so confuse , stress and felt uncomfortable . When I heard a news about political . I would change channel or sometime turned off a television and walked away .

Today the sky is very nice . I got up early . I’m very excited becauseThis is my first time to came to show my rights to vote to accept this constitution or not . About 11 o’clock I went to polling booth with my brothers and my mother . The polling booth not far from my home . I spent only 5 minutes . During the way I saw a small group of people wore red shirt and there are “We vote no” sentence on their shirt . They shout and blame the government . I think there are some people hire them to did like that . I was ridicule quietly for their action and walked away . When I reach in the polling booth . First step , I must to check my name on the board . Second , I shown my identity card to a staff . After that , a staff gave me a piece of paper and there are 2 holes ( Pro and Con ) . I marked a cross in Pro hold . Then I slacked my paper down in a box .

Finally , I want to say that I am proud to borned to be Thai and hope that Thailand will calm in soon . There are only one way that can solve this problem that is every people in the country must to trust each others .

Friday, August 10, 2007

Universiade opening ceremony

On Wednesday , I had not class . I got up very late at 10.00 o’clock and I was very cheerful because I slept more than 8 hours . About 11.00 o’clock my mobile phone was rang . My friend called to me to persuade me to go to see the opening ceremony of Universiade ( University + Olympiad ) In fact , I didn’t want to go with him because I known that today a traffic would jam very hardly . Many sportsman will come to join the ceremony . I tried to deny him but he beg me to go with him and he must go to Singapore tomorrow . Finally , I pitied him and I decided to go with him .

After that , I took a bath and left home about 12.30 o’clock . He appointed me at Robinson Bangrak on 13.00 o’clock . We stopped to ate lunch at Black Canyon . Next , we went to get on a bus number 115 . All the way on the bus I slept all the time . I arrived at Rajamangala National Stadium at 15.30 o’clock . For student can used a student card to enter free . At the entrance of the stadium . The staffs would check a ticket or student card and stamped a mark on the arm and there are anothers staff to provided a seat for us . That is my first time that I came to join in a stadium . I think it was fun more than I watched from a televison at my home .

A mascot of this game is a rabbit because it is a year zodiac of His Majasty King Bhumiphon There are many activities in this ceremony . At first , There are concert from many Thai bands such as Stranger and Potato . Next , The aviators of Thai air force parachuted from the sky with national flags . The the sportsmans marched in a stadium . Furthermore , there are performance from students such as cheerleader , gymnastic and chorus .

A ceremony finished about 22.00 o’clock . I went to take a photo with my friends . After that , I departed with them to came back home by taxi . On that day , I felt so tired but I was proud that I had to join in this great ceremony .

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Yesterday , I felt very stress and worry and I sleepless on Sunday night because I would know a result of mid - term exam in this day . I worried that I would get low marks that are affect to my total grade . After I finished from law class about 12.20 o'clock . I walked down from C building to S building . In front of the building I met Kannit ( a spicy man ) and he told me that grade release already that make me very exciting to know .

At 14.00 o'clock . I reached in class . I saw a pile of exam paper and C or D on it . When you called my name . My heart was beating and my hands was shook . I was very happy when I saw my exam paper . My marks are better more than I think . On the exam day I was very headache . The air conditioning blew at me directly all the time . I wrote slowly . My hands was numb and pale in cold . When I reached at home , I had a fever . I swallowed 2 pills of aspirin and goes to bed .

Friday, August 3, 2007

Nice Day

This is my second times that I do the journal in this blog . Before the mid - term exam . You gave me to did the journal in A4 paper but I most like to do in blog because it easy to edit if I use a wrong word or sentence . When I did the journal in A4 paper . I must to draft my opinion in other paper that it was very complicate for me and it look not good when I used a correction pen . Another one reason is I can decorate the blog such as use a picture , music or video clip .

By the way , yesterday I have class on 8 o'clock and I have English 2 class on 2 P.M. but I maked up class at the morning section because I have nothing to do and I don't want to wait 4 hours . After class finished , I went to eat lunch at Pad Lom Dang not far from S building . That is my first time for me to eat at here . I ordered rice with green beef curry . It taste was very delicious . I think you should to try . I guarantee you will like it .

After that , I got on a bus to go to Digital Planet at Sri Worrajak Building to buy classical music CD . There are many rare CD and many kinds of music at there such as opera , jazz , classical and pop . I bought 5 CDs such as Vivaldi : 4 seasons , Bruch : Schottische fantasie and Beethoven piano concerto . 140 Baht per disc . It was cheap because it was a copy disc . I have not rich for buy a real disc because it cost is very very high for me about 500 Baht per disc .

In fact , I have another one law class on 5 P.M. that is Principles of legal profession but I decided to absent because this subject is very boring . This subject taught about a moral of a good lawyer . A teacher would assume a situation and ask students about a lawyer's behavior . She would ask that a lawyer should to cheat his client for his high wage or not and why . Every students have to answer her . If who was not answer her question , she would minus a point that affect for our grade in the final exam . On 5.30 P.M. my friend called to me that a teacher cancel class that make me feel very happy and I thought this is my lucky day .

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Last post

The time is pass very rapidly . This is my last post for English I . I will told you everything in my heart about English I class , my new friends , my feeling and you A. Jasper .

First time of the class . I and Rupkwan went in the class . A door was open before . I saw Ruth and Pop in the class . After that , other people came in the class . The room was silent because we didn't know each other before . About 30 minutes pass . Still not a teacher came in . I thought it strange maybe cancel class today . Not long after , Mr.Clayton came in the class and told us cancel class today because you was sick and Mr.Clayton pointed a short note at the door . Nobody notice a short note . Next day , you came in the class . I look at you and think you must very scold surely but I thought wrong . In fact you are joke .

At this class , I known many new friends such as Paint , Air , Net , Sa , Eu , P.Bandit and every people . They are my good friends . They helped to advised me when I don't understand what are you say and when I couldn't answer the homework except Kannit haha haha haha .

P. Bandit is my senior . He is very joke , funny and joyful . I think he is a colorful of the class . He like to tease his friends that make me felt relaxing . And he can advise me about law . He is smart mor than I think .

About 4 or 5 months that I learnt with you in English I class . Sometime I felt great , enjoyable and relax but in sometime I felt fear and stress very much . Especially at the time that I must presentation in front of the class . At that time , the room was silent . Nobody talk or did anything . When you called my name and my partner to presentation . My heart started beating . Rupkwan she was my partner . She started to talk and I wrote the headline and legal terms on the blackboard . When she talk finished . I received a microphone from her and talk . When I started to talk my hands and my voice was shaking because every people in the class look at me . It make me excited . I forgot everything that I prepare to talk that make me got low mark .

Finally , I want to thank you for everything that you taught me and I'm very glad to know you and every people in the class . See you and every people next semester in English II no English I . Bye bye .

Sunday, February 18, 2007

How can you develope your English skills

Nowadays , English language is very important . Many country used English language to communicate each other . But in some country . They used their language such as Thai , Japanese , Chainese and Franch .

There are many ways that you can use to develope your English skills
1.While you learning in the class . If you don't understand the lesson . You should to ask your teacher until you understand clearly and note down into your note book .
2.When you don't know the meaning of the word . Yon can search them from the dictionary or talking dictionary . Many students like to used talking dictionary because it is comfortable to use and light weight .
3.During you go to the university or in your free time . You should to write the vocabulary about 10 - 20 words into a mini paper and memerize it . If you remember them everyday . It will benefit for you . You will know more many new words . And you can use them in your learning .
4.If there are foreign student in your class . You should to talk with them frequently . It will help to practice you to speak and listen .
5.You must be diligent to read variety of books , poster or broad information . Including when you watch a movie . You can read a subtitle under the picture . It can help to develope your reading skill so fast .

For me I choosed to practice my English by watching English program on TV . My favourite English program is Chris delivery on Modern 9 TV . This program is very interesting . Mr. Christopher would teach you about basic English words and sentence that you can use it in your daily life . Furthermore he would led you go to many place such as in the supermarket or resturant . Moreover , I like to listen a Western song . It can reduce my stress and make me feel joyful .

I hope that all of these ways will help you to develope your English skills . Finally , I want to give some proverb to encourage every people who try to learning English " One is never too old to learn " .

Friday, February 9, 2007

Boring day

Today is very boring . I got up at 6 o'clock . I felt very sleepy and headache because yesterday I read a criminal book since 19.00 - 23.00 o'clock . There are about 900 pages . It is very very thick and heavy . I don't like to read this subject . I mostly like to read property and land law .After I got up , I go to take a bath and drink a bottle of milk . Then I went to Central Rama 2 to get on a van . I arrived at the university at 8.10 o'clock .

My first class is economic . I very hate this subject . I don't understand everything that a teacher say . He spoke very fast and quietly . There are 2 foreign students in the class . One is Chainese and another one is Indian . For Indian student , she is very clever and high confident . She always ask a teacher if she don't understand . I usually told my friends I think that she is only one student who understand what a theacher teach .

After my class finish . I went to eat breakfast with my friends . We ate papaya salad , chicken grill and sticky rice . Next , I went to the S building to read economic . Today I had economic quiz . At 12.30 o'clock , I went to C building to learn law of juristic acts and contracts . My class finished at 14.30 o'clock . After that , I went to ABEC condo to read economic with my friends . They could teach me a little bit .

At 17.00 o'clock , economic quiz started . I spent 45 minute to do quiz . When I got out the class . I ask my friend . Can you do it ? He shook his head and say nothing . Most of my friends could not do it . I think every want to get grade A but for me , I only want to pass because I don't want to learn economic again and again .

Saturday, February 3, 2007

My first English class at AU

After I graduated from my secondary school . I choosed to study at Assumption University because I want to improve my English skills ( speaking , listening , writing and reading ) . My first English class in AU is English intensive class . I choosed to learn at Bang Na campus . First day of learning . I felt very great and excited . I got up at 5.30 o’clock . I left home about 6.15 o’clock to get on a van at Si Praya pier . I spent 1 hours to go there .

When I arrived . I looked my watch . There are enough time . I spent the time to check my class and my section for sure . My class started at 9 o’clock . At that time it was 8.30 o’clock . Nobody in the class . After that , I went to the CL building to buy a bottle of milk and one piece of sandwich . About 9.10 o’clock , I came to the class . I stood outside and look in the class . There are 3 people in the class . Then I came in and sit behind them . Next , we started to conversation . We closed rapidly . They came from many faculties such as Arts , BBA . I’m the only one law student in the class .

My closely friend in the English intensive class is Jar . She came from Chonburi . She learned in the faculty of arts ( Business English ). She is very kind , joyful and funny . She always explain to me when I didn’t understand the lesson . She is my best friend . I’m very lucky to known her .

At 9.20 o’clock . My teacher came in the class . Her name is Mhemi . I’m not sure what is her nationality . I think she is Burmese . She is short and thin . She is very kind and teaching very fun .

Every morning , before started to learn . My teacher would test us . She gave us to write the dictation . She would talk the article 3 times . First time to listen , second time to write and third time to check it for sure . First dictation I got grade B because my grammar was very bad .

My class finished on 13.00 o’clock . I arrived at home about 16.00 o’clock . My mother ask me how are you today ? I told her I feel great . My friends are very friendly with me . She smile and after that , I went to take a bath , eat a dinner and do the home work . My teacher gave me home work . I must to wrote the essay 1 A4 paper everyday . Many people in the class didn’t like to do it but I didn’t think like that . I think it was a good way that could help me to develop my English skill and make me know many new words in a dictionary .

Friday, January 26, 2007

myself in some part

My name is Nattapong Arkhompat . You can call me Pom . My old friends like to call me Mon (Doreamon) . I'm 18 years old . My birthday is March 7 , 1988 . I'm a fat man because I eat too much . I can eat everytime . I like to eat cake , ice cream , cookies and chocolate . When I feel tried or stress , I always eat these thing . It could make me feel better and delightedly . Fujiya is my favourite cake shop . There are many kinds of cake such as cheese cake , fruit cake and chocolate cake .

Nowadays , I live with my mother , my father and 2 brothers . I'm a youngest . My brothers is a twin . They older than me 2 years . They like to play football and computer game together but I don't like it . Everyday I get up at 5.30 o'clock to go to the university . I go to the university by van . Mostly my first class will start at 8 o'clock and my last class finish at 17.00 o' clock . I arrived home about 18.00 o'clock .

I'm study at Assumption university in the faculty of law . I'm a first year student . I choose to study in the faculty of law because , First , I think this faculty is very interesting and challenging because the student who choose to study in this faculty must hardworking and good memory . They must to read many thick books and memorize the law code that must use in the exam . Furthermore , law student must know to think , to write , to speak and to analyse because all of these is the main aim of law .

Second . I don't want to see every people in this world take advantage from other people . At present , the world was change . Many people in the world were selfish . They only want to seek them benefit . They did't considerate to other people such as people who was deforestation . They want the forest area to build their home and hotel that make a flood problem . Including the people who killed the wild animals to get leather , horn or tusk that destroy the ecosystem in the nature . Many kinds of wind animal were extincted . So , I think that I will use the legal to get rid of these people .

Thrid , I want to practice to think and speak because I’m low confidence and I’m very shy . I felt fear when I speak in front of a lot of people such as when I presentation in the class , I’m very exciting . When I spoke my face was red , my hand and my voice were shook . And I would forgot everything that I prepare to speak .

Finally , I think that I’m very good luck to study in this faculty . I’m very happy. I had meet many good friends at here .

Thursday, January 18, 2007


18 / 01 / 2007

Betta or Fighting fish is one of the popular freshwater fish because they are beautiful , colorful and wonderful characteristic . In Asian , bettas used in a gamble similar to cockfighting . Many people like to watch bettas fight each other but I don't like it because I think that it was savage and ruthlessly . You can see bettas in many places such as in a stream , river or swamp . Bettas can live in the place where is low oxygen because there are a special respiratory organ that make bettas can breath air directly from the surface of water .

Bettas in the nature have many colors . The original colors of bettas are red , green , brown and blue . Nowadays , the breeders could develope variety colors of bettas Known as metallic such as copper , gold and platinum . Certainly , female bettas would had pale and light color but for male bettas are colorful . Bettas can devide to many types such as Crowntail , Deltar , Dubble tail , Halfmoon , Halfmoon plakat , Veil tail plakat and wild type . Each type was different . Some type are long fin . Some type are short fin .

PH 6.5 - 7.5 and 26 - 29 degree of a temperature is suitable for bettas . Bettas can live in small place . It is a good choice for people want to rare fish but have small area . You can take them in the vase . Don't forget that can't take 2 or more male bettas in the same place because bettas are very aggressive fish . They will bite each other . But for female bettas they can live together . When bettas angry or see other bettas they will expand their gill ( opercula ) and puffing out the fin .

Bettas has average life span at least 4 years . If they live in good water condition and eat live food , maybe they can live 6 - 8 years . Bettas dislike to eat pellet food . They like to eat live food such as mosquito larva and baby earthworm .

If you want to breeding them , you should to prepare
1. one breeder pair ( you should to buy directly from farm because bettas in the farm are
healthy and high quality . You should not buy from general fish stores because maybe bettas
are dwarf and sick .
2. One medium tank about 12 inchs broad and should not over deep . You should to put water
plant into a tank also because bettas will use it to hide themself and they will feel safe and
not stress .

First of all , you must take a breeder pair into a tank and wait about 2 weeks . After that , female bettas will produce eggs . When male betta want to breed it will build a bubble nest on a water surface . When male betta build a bubble nest completely . The breeding process will start . During this time , male bettas will swim closely female and wrap himself around female . Then the eegs will come off . Male betta will keep the eegs to attach with a bubble nest . Female betta spent time about 1 - 2 hours to lay eggs . When her lay eegs finish you should to move male and female to other tank . If you don't move the eggs maybe eaten . About 2 - 3 days , the eggs will hatch You should to feed baby bettas with small live food such as plankton or egg yolk .

For people who interest in bettas , you can buy them from fish store or internet ( www. ) You will see the pictures and cost of bettas . If you buy bettas from internet , after you pay money completely . The sellers will pack bettas in the plastic bag and contain it into a carton and send to you by post . But I don't want to introduce you to buy them by this way because maybe bettas in the pictures might not same a real . I introduce you to buy them at the Sunday market because you can choose . The cost of bettas in this time about 5 - 10 baht for normal type . But for other types the cost are high .

I have 15 bettas in my house . I bought them from Sunday market . All of them are Halfmoon plakat type . They are very beautiful , so them cost was high since 80 - 200 baht . Every Saturday I must clean the vases and change water . Although I was tried but I feel great when I saw them .

Finish already ! Next time I will show you other fishs if you are not boring . Bye bye .