Wednesday, December 5, 2007

His Majesty's birthday

Today is a His Majesty's birthday or Father Day . This day is very important and full of happiness because every people will show their feeling of love to their father . For me , I sent a message to my father because he went to do his work at the southern of Thailand . So , I have not chance to say love directly to him . In the message I wrote that I love him and thank you for everything that he did for me and my family . Finally , I wished him have a happy life and healthy . My another one activity is I got up early to offered food to a monk . It make me felt better and satisfied a lot .

Yesterday , my king maked a speech to every Thai people through the television . He said about on this time , many people in the society are indulge in greed . Some group of people care only themself . They can do everything to make their life comfortable . Rich people taked benefit from poor people . That meant it was not fair . The king said every people in the society were equal . So every people should help each other and make a unity in the society . Furthermore , he said about a serious situation at the deep south of Thailand . He wanted the murderer to stop killing and start a new life . And he also hope that Thailand will return to calm again .

Today , a lot of Thai people wore a yellow shirt and went to reserve a place to wait for looking a king and others royalty . They a national flag on hands and said " Long live the king " when the a royal car ran over their face . Some people cried because full of happiness . In the evening , the people will assemble again . Lighted a candle and sing a song to show respect to the king .

For about my his majesty's achievement . He introduced many of projects to solve the problem of Thai people . For example , flood ( to build a dam ) , drought ( used a artificial rain ) and high price of oil ( used the others fuel such as natural gas ) Moreover , he introduced a famous theory known as " Enough life " . The objective of this theory is every people should be satisfy in your life . Happy in your work , your position and how to manage your life .

In my opinion , I think he is the best king of the world ( Are you agree with me A.Jasper ? )because he is very diligent , smart and patient . He did everything for his citizens to make their life happy and comfortable . He never says that he is tried or bored to work for his citizens . I think I am very lucky to born to be Thai people and I am very pround of my majesty . He is respected by every Thai people . And every Thai people called him " Dad "

Finally , I wished him have a good healthy and have a long live to support us . For me I will try to be a good student . I wil not make a problem and I will do my best .

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