Saturday, August 18, 2007

Pro or Con ?

Today is very important for every Thai people who are more over 18 years old . Thailand is a democractic country . So , every people can say or do everything if they want . But it must not brake the law or make a trouble to others people in the society . On this time , Thailand has problem about a new draft of constitution law that came from coup d’etat . There are 2 opinions on this draft ( Agree or Disagree ) .

In this time , the citizens in Thailand are separate in 3 big groups that are 1. A group of people who like Mr.Thaksin 2. A group of people who like a government and 3. A neutral group . For my private reason . I don’t like Mr.Thaksin because I think he was corruption . He is selfish . He did everything for himself and his family not for others people . But this is only my opinion it is not affect for my decision in vote .

For me , I think I am in a neutral group because I am very boring about political in Thailand a lot . I don’t like both of 2 groups’re action . A group of Mr.Thaksin is savage . They damage many public building and harmed other people who was innocent . For a group of government came from coup d’etat of soldiers that violate the law . On this time , I don’t want to see or know the information about political in Thailand . I was so confuse , stress and felt uncomfortable . When I heard a news about political . I would change channel or sometime turned off a television and walked away .

Today the sky is very nice . I got up early . I’m very excited becauseThis is my first time to came to show my rights to vote to accept this constitution or not . About 11 o’clock I went to polling booth with my brothers and my mother . The polling booth not far from my home . I spent only 5 minutes . During the way I saw a small group of people wore red shirt and there are “We vote no” sentence on their shirt . They shout and blame the government . I think there are some people hire them to did like that . I was ridicule quietly for their action and walked away . When I reach in the polling booth . First step , I must to check my name on the board . Second , I shown my identity card to a staff . After that , a staff gave me a piece of paper and there are 2 holes ( Pro and Con ) . I marked a cross in Pro hold . Then I slacked my paper down in a box .

Finally , I want to say that I am proud to borned to be Thai and hope that Thailand will calm in soon . There are only one way that can solve this problem that is every people in the country must to trust each others .

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Interesting post! ;-)