Saturday, February 3, 2007

My first English class at AU

After I graduated from my secondary school . I choosed to study at Assumption University because I want to improve my English skills ( speaking , listening , writing and reading ) . My first English class in AU is English intensive class . I choosed to learn at Bang Na campus . First day of learning . I felt very great and excited . I got up at 5.30 o’clock . I left home about 6.15 o’clock to get on a van at Si Praya pier . I spent 1 hours to go there .

When I arrived . I looked my watch . There are enough time . I spent the time to check my class and my section for sure . My class started at 9 o’clock . At that time it was 8.30 o’clock . Nobody in the class . After that , I went to the CL building to buy a bottle of milk and one piece of sandwich . About 9.10 o’clock , I came to the class . I stood outside and look in the class . There are 3 people in the class . Then I came in and sit behind them . Next , we started to conversation . We closed rapidly . They came from many faculties such as Arts , BBA . I’m the only one law student in the class .

My closely friend in the English intensive class is Jar . She came from Chonburi . She learned in the faculty of arts ( Business English ). She is very kind , joyful and funny . She always explain to me when I didn’t understand the lesson . She is my best friend . I’m very lucky to known her .

At 9.20 o’clock . My teacher came in the class . Her name is Mhemi . I’m not sure what is her nationality . I think she is Burmese . She is short and thin . She is very kind and teaching very fun .

Every morning , before started to learn . My teacher would test us . She gave us to write the dictation . She would talk the article 3 times . First time to listen , second time to write and third time to check it for sure . First dictation I got grade B because my grammar was very bad .

My class finished on 13.00 o’clock . I arrived at home about 16.00 o’clock . My mother ask me how are you today ? I told her I feel great . My friends are very friendly with me . She smile and after that , I went to take a bath , eat a dinner and do the home work . My teacher gave me home work . I must to wrote the essay 1 A4 paper everyday . Many people in the class didn’t like to do it but I didn’t think like that . I think it was a good way that could help me to develop my English skill and make me know many new words in a dictionary .

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