Friday, February 9, 2007

Boring day

Today is very boring . I got up at 6 o'clock . I felt very sleepy and headache because yesterday I read a criminal book since 19.00 - 23.00 o'clock . There are about 900 pages . It is very very thick and heavy . I don't like to read this subject . I mostly like to read property and land law .After I got up , I go to take a bath and drink a bottle of milk . Then I went to Central Rama 2 to get on a van . I arrived at the university at 8.10 o'clock .

My first class is economic . I very hate this subject . I don't understand everything that a teacher say . He spoke very fast and quietly . There are 2 foreign students in the class . One is Chainese and another one is Indian . For Indian student , she is very clever and high confident . She always ask a teacher if she don't understand . I usually told my friends I think that she is only one student who understand what a theacher teach .

After my class finish . I went to eat breakfast with my friends . We ate papaya salad , chicken grill and sticky rice . Next , I went to the S building to read economic . Today I had economic quiz . At 12.30 o'clock , I went to C building to learn law of juristic acts and contracts . My class finished at 14.30 o'clock . After that , I went to ABEC condo to read economic with my friends . They could teach me a little bit .

At 17.00 o'clock , economic quiz started . I spent 45 minute to do quiz . When I got out the class . I ask my friend . Can you do it ? He shook his head and say nothing . Most of my friends could not do it . I think every want to get grade A but for me , I only want to pass because I don't want to learn economic again and again .

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