Friday, August 31, 2007


On Thursday , my class started on 8 o’clock . It is the law of insurance class . I don’t like this subject a lot because I must to woke up very early . And a teacher taught very boring . She spoke like a robot . She could not make students to pay attention to her . Sometimes , if I sleepy . I would walked behide the class and sleep , maybe read cartoon or listened the music . My friend learnt with her before on last semester and he told me a teacher is very kind in class . She never scold the students in class but on the exam . She gave the exam question very very hard . And she very strict to check the exam paper . Many of my friends failed this subject . But I hope that I will not be like them .

After class finished , I maked up your class and I very excited because I would receive the quiz paper . When I got it . I was very happy and satisfied about my scores . It is better more than I think . On the quiz day , you looked at my paper and told me that “ too short is not good ” that maked me feel very worried and I tried to think and wrote but the time was losed .

When the class finished , my mobile phone was rang . I very happy when I looked at the mobile screen . My friends called to me . They came to Hua Mak campas to learn Business Ethics Seminar . They study in the faculty of art ( French and Chinese) . So long ago , I didn’t met them . I very think of them . There are many stories that I want to talk with them . I could talked with them every stories .When I faced the problem that maked me sad and disappointed . They always helped me to solve the problem and encouraged me . They are honest , helpful and sincere with every people . They is my close friend and my best friend .

Then they persuaded me to eat lunch with them . I said yes instantly . We went to The Mall Bangkapi by mini red bus in front of the university . The weather is so hot and I felt a little bit headache . I went inside rapidly . The air conditioning maked me feel better . After that , we went to ate pizza and ending with ice cream . We ate deliciously and talked all the time . We departed to came back home at 4 P.M. That is another one nice day for me . I hope that I will meet them once again in soon .

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Modern life

Nowadays , The world is develope so very fast . There are many things that made our lifes was comfortable such as sky train , computer , mobile phone and a lot . Nobody deny to use them because they can make your life happy . In the past , when I did a report , I must to wrote in the paper by my hand writing . Afterwards , I used a typewriter . In this time , I can use a computer and I can find out information that I want to know from the internet . And I could do my homework in a computer such as this blog .

Last Saturday , I leave my home at 11 o’clock . I went to Pantip Plaza with my mother and my brother by taxi . That was my second time for me to went there .You can find and buy every technology goods and equipment at here such as computer , ipod or game . But the most important , you must to check carefully because something was not a genuine goods . The sellers copied them because they want to get more profit .

Most of copy goods came from China . I think that the people who bought a copy goods was very stupid because the copy goods created from low quality material . And it spoil very easy .

On that day , There are hp booth at the first floor . Most of their goods are printer and computer note book . My brother ask a salesman about the qualification of a computer note book . Finally , he decided to bought it . A product code is DV 2518 TX . It cost is 42,900 . And a little bit gifts such as solf case , mouse , bag and handy drive .

My brother wanted to by a computer note book because he learn in a faculty of computer management and it easy to carry to every place that you want to play . He want to use it to do his homework . He can use many computer programs such as Photo shop and Dream weaver .

For me , I wanted to buy ipod U2 . On this time , I used a mini disc player . My father bought it to me when I was 14 years old but I don’t like it because it was inconvenient . I must to change the disc frequently . Ipod U2 can watch a video , save a pictures , play game and listen the music . It cost is very very high . It very hard for me to decide to buy it . I used many years to save my money . And I should be sad if I loss them .

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Pro or Con ?

Today is very important for every Thai people who are more over 18 years old . Thailand is a democractic country . So , every people can say or do everything if they want . But it must not brake the law or make a trouble to others people in the society . On this time , Thailand has problem about a new draft of constitution law that came from coup d’etat . There are 2 opinions on this draft ( Agree or Disagree ) .

In this time , the citizens in Thailand are separate in 3 big groups that are 1. A group of people who like Mr.Thaksin 2. A group of people who like a government and 3. A neutral group . For my private reason . I don’t like Mr.Thaksin because I think he was corruption . He is selfish . He did everything for himself and his family not for others people . But this is only my opinion it is not affect for my decision in vote .

For me , I think I am in a neutral group because I am very boring about political in Thailand a lot . I don’t like both of 2 groups’re action . A group of Mr.Thaksin is savage . They damage many public building and harmed other people who was innocent . For a group of government came from coup d’etat of soldiers that violate the law . On this time , I don’t want to see or know the information about political in Thailand . I was so confuse , stress and felt uncomfortable . When I heard a news about political . I would change channel or sometime turned off a television and walked away .

Today the sky is very nice . I got up early . I’m very excited becauseThis is my first time to came to show my rights to vote to accept this constitution or not . About 11 o’clock I went to polling booth with my brothers and my mother . The polling booth not far from my home . I spent only 5 minutes . During the way I saw a small group of people wore red shirt and there are “We vote no” sentence on their shirt . They shout and blame the government . I think there are some people hire them to did like that . I was ridicule quietly for their action and walked away . When I reach in the polling booth . First step , I must to check my name on the board . Second , I shown my identity card to a staff . After that , a staff gave me a piece of paper and there are 2 holes ( Pro and Con ) . I marked a cross in Pro hold . Then I slacked my paper down in a box .

Finally , I want to say that I am proud to borned to be Thai and hope that Thailand will calm in soon . There are only one way that can solve this problem that is every people in the country must to trust each others .

Friday, August 10, 2007

Universiade opening ceremony

On Wednesday , I had not class . I got up very late at 10.00 o’clock and I was very cheerful because I slept more than 8 hours . About 11.00 o’clock my mobile phone was rang . My friend called to me to persuade me to go to see the opening ceremony of Universiade ( University + Olympiad ) In fact , I didn’t want to go with him because I known that today a traffic would jam very hardly . Many sportsman will come to join the ceremony . I tried to deny him but he beg me to go with him and he must go to Singapore tomorrow . Finally , I pitied him and I decided to go with him .

After that , I took a bath and left home about 12.30 o’clock . He appointed me at Robinson Bangrak on 13.00 o’clock . We stopped to ate lunch at Black Canyon . Next , we went to get on a bus number 115 . All the way on the bus I slept all the time . I arrived at Rajamangala National Stadium at 15.30 o’clock . For student can used a student card to enter free . At the entrance of the stadium . The staffs would check a ticket or student card and stamped a mark on the arm and there are anothers staff to provided a seat for us . That is my first time that I came to join in a stadium . I think it was fun more than I watched from a televison at my home .

A mascot of this game is a rabbit because it is a year zodiac of His Majasty King Bhumiphon There are many activities in this ceremony . At first , There are concert from many Thai bands such as Stranger and Potato . Next , The aviators of Thai air force parachuted from the sky with national flags . The the sportsmans marched in a stadium . Furthermore , there are performance from students such as cheerleader , gymnastic and chorus .

A ceremony finished about 22.00 o’clock . I went to take a photo with my friends . After that , I departed with them to came back home by taxi . On that day , I felt so tired but I was proud that I had to join in this great ceremony .

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Yesterday , I felt very stress and worry and I sleepless on Sunday night because I would know a result of mid - term exam in this day . I worried that I would get low marks that are affect to my total grade . After I finished from law class about 12.20 o'clock . I walked down from C building to S building . In front of the building I met Kannit ( a spicy man ) and he told me that grade release already that make me very exciting to know .

At 14.00 o'clock . I reached in class . I saw a pile of exam paper and C or D on it . When you called my name . My heart was beating and my hands was shook . I was very happy when I saw my exam paper . My marks are better more than I think . On the exam day I was very headache . The air conditioning blew at me directly all the time . I wrote slowly . My hands was numb and pale in cold . When I reached at home , I had a fever . I swallowed 2 pills of aspirin and goes to bed .

Friday, August 3, 2007

Nice Day

This is my second times that I do the journal in this blog . Before the mid - term exam . You gave me to did the journal in A4 paper but I most like to do in blog because it easy to edit if I use a wrong word or sentence . When I did the journal in A4 paper . I must to draft my opinion in other paper that it was very complicate for me and it look not good when I used a correction pen . Another one reason is I can decorate the blog such as use a picture , music or video clip .

By the way , yesterday I have class on 8 o'clock and I have English 2 class on 2 P.M. but I maked up class at the morning section because I have nothing to do and I don't want to wait 4 hours . After class finished , I went to eat lunch at Pad Lom Dang not far from S building . That is my first time for me to eat at here . I ordered rice with green beef curry . It taste was very delicious . I think you should to try . I guarantee you will like it .

After that , I got on a bus to go to Digital Planet at Sri Worrajak Building to buy classical music CD . There are many rare CD and many kinds of music at there such as opera , jazz , classical and pop . I bought 5 CDs such as Vivaldi : 4 seasons , Bruch : Schottische fantasie and Beethoven piano concerto . 140 Baht per disc . It was cheap because it was a copy disc . I have not rich for buy a real disc because it cost is very very high for me about 500 Baht per disc .

In fact , I have another one law class on 5 P.M. that is Principles of legal profession but I decided to absent because this subject is very boring . This subject taught about a moral of a good lawyer . A teacher would assume a situation and ask students about a lawyer's behavior . She would ask that a lawyer should to cheat his client for his high wage or not and why . Every students have to answer her . If who was not answer her question , she would minus a point that affect for our grade in the final exam . On 5.30 P.M. my friend called to me that a teacher cancel class that make me feel very happy and I thought this is my lucky day .