Friday, January 25, 2008

Final examination

In this semester , I have 8 subjects for the final examination ( Specific contracts I , Criminal law III , Tax law I , Philosophy of law , Family law , World civilization , English III and English for lawyer I ) . I most worried about family law because it is very hard and very complicate . The most important thing is there are about 100 sections and the book is very thick about 500 pages . I afraid that I have not enough time to read and remember all of it . However , I will try to make it better .

I hope that in this semester , I will pass every subjects . I think nobody want to fail the exam because it waste the time and lost a lot of money ( ABAC is very stingy …. Ha ha ) . I had a some bad experience about failed the exam and I can remember it until right now . It was happened when I was a first year student . The subject that I failed is Juristic act and contract . First time I got D . On that time , when I know the result I felt very sad about it because I read this subject more than others subject and it was my first time to fail the exam . For my second times , I felt sad again because I got only B+ . I didn’t satisfy for this grade a lot . But when I think again and again . It was better than I failed .

On this time , my life style was change ( Changed to prepare for the final examination ) . I started to read the books since 2 weeks ago . Everyday I must to control myself to get up on 5 P.M. to read the books . This is the best period of time for me to read the books because my brain is bright and nobody get up early to annoy me . So , I can read the books efficiently . I read the books until 6 o’clock . After that , I ate breakfast , took a bath and went to the university . Many times I planned to read the books in the university . But I could not do it because there are a lot of people and my friends always came to talk to me while I read the book .

Sometimes , I was worried and stressed to read the books . Some subjects , the book explained not clear . So , it made me feel confused and boring . I tried to find out many of methods to make my feeling better . For me , I have 3 basic ways to solve this problem . First , listen or play the music . Second , eat an ice cream . It could make me feel happy and relax ( this is the reason why I have a good shape like this ^.^ ) Third , go to bed and sleep .

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