Saturday, January 19, 2008

Believe it or not ?

On Wednesday , I got up early to go to the university because I had an appointment with my friend . His name is Q . He is one my close friend . We studied at the same secondary school ( Watsuthiwararam ) and at this time we still study at the same faculty as well . He always helped me when I don’t understand the lesson . He can explain to me everything and he is my good adviser . He is very brilliant and kindness ( His G.P.A is 3.89 -.- Oh my god !!! ) . But he pretty stingy ( Ha ha ) .

I appointed him because I want to know everything about my life in the future . So , I begged him to predict my destiny by gypsy card . When I arrived at ABAC , I walked directly to C building in room C41 . I pushed to door . The room was so large and very cool . I found him sit alone on the chair . Beside him , I saw a black rectangle box . That box had a gypsy card inside . When I sat on the chair , he opened the box and pick a piece of fabric out . Then he spread them on the table . Next , he picked a gypsy deck out . After that , he told me to shuffle the deck and select them 10 pieces .

First , he talked about my personality . He told me that I am an angry man and ambitious . Like to overcome and disdain other people ( -.- really ? ) . Short concentration but can succeed by hardworking . And to trust anybody hardly ( I agree with this idea because when I want to find someone to be my friend . I must to think carefully to find a good person to be my friend . For my friend , I will sincere and care them . I will not make them sad or disappoint in me . But if my friend do something bad to me and make me feel sad , I will delete him or her from my memory because I don’t want to be friend with a person who don’t understand me , lying , betray or take advantage from me . I think it is the best way to solve this problem ) . Second , about my family and work . My family will support me to get a good job and good life . Third , education . I still get a good grade in this semester but must not lazy -_- . Etc. I forgot what he say on that day +.+ .

After the prediction , he didn’t charge money me . So , I said thank you and led him to eat lunch together . I think he should not be a student . He should be a fortune teller much more because he predicted accurately .

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