Friday, January 25, 2008

Final examination

In this semester , I have 8 subjects for the final examination ( Specific contracts I , Criminal law III , Tax law I , Philosophy of law , Family law , World civilization , English III and English for lawyer I ) . I most worried about family law because it is very hard and very complicate . The most important thing is there are about 100 sections and the book is very thick about 500 pages . I afraid that I have not enough time to read and remember all of it . However , I will try to make it better .

I hope that in this semester , I will pass every subjects . I think nobody want to fail the exam because it waste the time and lost a lot of money ( ABAC is very stingy …. Ha ha ) . I had a some bad experience about failed the exam and I can remember it until right now . It was happened when I was a first year student . The subject that I failed is Juristic act and contract . First time I got D . On that time , when I know the result I felt very sad about it because I read this subject more than others subject and it was my first time to fail the exam . For my second times , I felt sad again because I got only B+ . I didn’t satisfy for this grade a lot . But when I think again and again . It was better than I failed .

On this time , my life style was change ( Changed to prepare for the final examination ) . I started to read the books since 2 weeks ago . Everyday I must to control myself to get up on 5 P.M. to read the books . This is the best period of time for me to read the books because my brain is bright and nobody get up early to annoy me . So , I can read the books efficiently . I read the books until 6 o’clock . After that , I ate breakfast , took a bath and went to the university . Many times I planned to read the books in the university . But I could not do it because there are a lot of people and my friends always came to talk to me while I read the book .

Sometimes , I was worried and stressed to read the books . Some subjects , the book explained not clear . So , it made me feel confused and boring . I tried to find out many of methods to make my feeling better . For me , I have 3 basic ways to solve this problem . First , listen or play the music . Second , eat an ice cream . It could make me feel happy and relax ( this is the reason why I have a good shape like this ^.^ ) Third , go to bed and sleep .

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Believe it or not ?

On Wednesday , I got up early to go to the university because I had an appointment with my friend . His name is Q . He is one my close friend . We studied at the same secondary school ( Watsuthiwararam ) and at this time we still study at the same faculty as well . He always helped me when I don’t understand the lesson . He can explain to me everything and he is my good adviser . He is very brilliant and kindness ( His G.P.A is 3.89 -.- Oh my god !!! ) . But he pretty stingy ( Ha ha ) .

I appointed him because I want to know everything about my life in the future . So , I begged him to predict my destiny by gypsy card . When I arrived at ABAC , I walked directly to C building in room C41 . I pushed to door . The room was so large and very cool . I found him sit alone on the chair . Beside him , I saw a black rectangle box . That box had a gypsy card inside . When I sat on the chair , he opened the box and pick a piece of fabric out . Then he spread them on the table . Next , he picked a gypsy deck out . After that , he told me to shuffle the deck and select them 10 pieces .

First , he talked about my personality . He told me that I am an angry man and ambitious . Like to overcome and disdain other people ( -.- really ? ) . Short concentration but can succeed by hardworking . And to trust anybody hardly ( I agree with this idea because when I want to find someone to be my friend . I must to think carefully to find a good person to be my friend . For my friend , I will sincere and care them . I will not make them sad or disappoint in me . But if my friend do something bad to me and make me feel sad , I will delete him or her from my memory because I don’t want to be friend with a person who don’t understand me , lying , betray or take advantage from me . I think it is the best way to solve this problem ) . Second , about my family and work . My family will support me to get a good job and good life . Third , education . I still get a good grade in this semester but must not lazy -_- . Etc. I forgot what he say on that day +.+ .

After the prediction , he didn’t charge money me . So , I said thank you and led him to eat lunch together . I think he should not be a student . He should be a fortune teller much more because he predicted accurately .

Saturday, January 12, 2008

2007 to 2008

On December 31 , 2007 I didn't go anywhere . I always lived at home with by mother and my father to watched a television , searched the Internet and cleaned my home . On that day , my old friend persuaded me to go to Central World Plaza with him and my others friend to join in new year celebration but I refused to go with him because I afraid that the terrorist would break a peace like last year ago . I thought it is not safe for me and another one reason is there was a lot of people at there . It was very confusion . I decided to spent that special times with my family . On midnight , I tried to send the message to my friends to say happy new year to them but I could not do it because the phone network was fail . So , I choosed to say happy new year to my friend on the MSN . After I finished send many messages , I was very sleepy and then went to my bed .

When I woke up in the morning on first day of 2008 , I felt fresh and happy . The sky was clear and the sunlight passed through the window and shined at my face . After that , I walked to downstairs . When my father saw me , he told me to take a bath because we would go to Nontaburi province to visited my relatives and ate lunch together . We drove a car to ate lunch at Chinese restaurant but I forgot the name of it . We ordered many kinds of food . Most of them was my favorite food such as a Peking duck ( roasted duck eat with vegetable and sweet sauce ) , dim sum and fried prawn salad . After that , we departed to came back home .

One day later , something was happened and make every Thai people feel sad about it . An only one sister of our king was died on her age 84 . She was a devoted person . She established many good foundations to make Thai people 's life better such as education and standard of living . It was not strange why Thai people love her . Nevertheless , my our life must be continue .

For me , there are good and bad things was happened in my life on this year . The good thing was about my midterm - exam 's grade . It was better than I thought and I very satisfied . The bad thing I can't tell you . I will try to make it clear in soon . Finally on the occasion of new year 2008 . I will improve myself . I will pay attention in class , to read the books ( I will try ) and honest to myself , my parent and my friend .