Friday, December 7, 2007


Yesterday , I was very sleepy because I did your homework ( Blog ) since 9 P.M. - 11.30 P.M. . Everytimes , I did the blog with my intentionally . I spent 2 - 2.30 hours to do it because I think it will make my grade better . And It could help to improve my typing skill . And another one reason that made me feel sleepy was at that night , in my village . There was a terrible situation . Not far from my home , the fire burnt up at the plastic factory that ownd by my friend's family . My neighbor rang the bell many times . I woke up with startle and confused . I heard the sound of a siren near my house . My mother and I walked hurry to the first floor . My neighbor shout " Burn up , Burn up " . I looked outside , the fire burnt so high . The sky became red and a lot of smoke . The 4 fire - engines concentrated to squirt water into a factory . My mother told me to prepare a necessary things . But I at that time , I only though that money is the most important .

Very good luck 30 minutes later the fire burnt off . I walked to in front of my home Many people talked about the cause of fire burnt . They presumed that an electric panel was lose . After that , my mother called me to take a bath . My class started on 8 o'clock . The times passed very slowly . I felt a little bit headache . After class finished , I went to buy 2 pills of aspirin and ate it . I felt better quietly and walked to learn a family law at D41 . On that day , I absented your class because I might to do something before the mid - term exam . I went to a Brahma temple at Sirom road to redeem a vow to a god . Last semaster , I had make a vow to a god about my grade . I vowed that if I get a good grade I will come back again to thank humbly . The result was 3.54 . It made me feel very happy and my mother proud in me a lot .

We left from ABAC on 12 o'clock with my friend . His name is Peerapong ( short man ) . He learnt with you on English I & II and he got A- on English . We got a mini bus to Big C and get on a bus number 115 to Silom road . On the bus , we felt breath - taking because a chauffeur drove very fast . He always cut in front of many people's car . When I got down the bus , I breathe deeply and felt good . Before we came in , we went to buy a sacrifice set . It price 90 bath consisted of banana , coconut , oil , garland , incense and candle . When I stepped in , I felt strange . When I was young . My mother usually led me with her but when I grew up I didn't came here .

When we redeem finished , we depart to came back home . I arrived at home about 5 P.M. . Next , I went to take a bath and eat dinner . Then I picked a book to read . I must to prepare myself for the exam . There are 2 subjects in the mid - term exam that are World Civilization on December 14 ( first day ) and English III . I read only one chapter because I was so tired and very sleepy . so , I decided to go to bed .

End.... -.- See you next year . Bye ... ^.^ Happy New Year A.Jasper .

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

His Majesty's birthday

Today is a His Majesty's birthday or Father Day . This day is very important and full of happiness because every people will show their feeling of love to their father . For me , I sent a message to my father because he went to do his work at the southern of Thailand . So , I have not chance to say love directly to him . In the message I wrote that I love him and thank you for everything that he did for me and my family . Finally , I wished him have a happy life and healthy . My another one activity is I got up early to offered food to a monk . It make me felt better and satisfied a lot .

Yesterday , my king maked a speech to every Thai people through the television . He said about on this time , many people in the society are indulge in greed . Some group of people care only themself . They can do everything to make their life comfortable . Rich people taked benefit from poor people . That meant it was not fair . The king said every people in the society were equal . So every people should help each other and make a unity in the society . Furthermore , he said about a serious situation at the deep south of Thailand . He wanted the murderer to stop killing and start a new life . And he also hope that Thailand will return to calm again .

Today , a lot of Thai people wore a yellow shirt and went to reserve a place to wait for looking a king and others royalty . They a national flag on hands and said " Long live the king " when the a royal car ran over their face . Some people cried because full of happiness . In the evening , the people will assemble again . Lighted a candle and sing a song to show respect to the king .

For about my his majesty's achievement . He introduced many of projects to solve the problem of Thai people . For example , flood ( to build a dam ) , drought ( used a artificial rain ) and high price of oil ( used the others fuel such as natural gas ) Moreover , he introduced a famous theory known as " Enough life " . The objective of this theory is every people should be satisfy in your life . Happy in your work , your position and how to manage your life .

In my opinion , I think he is the best king of the world ( Are you agree with me A.Jasper ? )because he is very diligent , smart and patient . He did everything for his citizens to make their life happy and comfortable . He never says that he is tried or bored to work for his citizens . I think I am very lucky to born to be Thai people and I am very pround of my majesty . He is respected by every Thai people . And every Thai people called him " Dad "

Finally , I wished him have a good healthy and have a long live to support us . For me I will try to be a good student . I wil not make a problem and I will do my best .

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Shopping at Sunday market

Yesterday , I got up early and I felt so good because I planned to go to Sunday market for shopping . When I leave my home , I looked up at the sky . It look so very nice , bright , fresh air and a little bit cool wind . I walked to the bus station with my cheerfully . I got up to bus number 138 . It would stop opposite at JJ Mall . After that , I decided to come in JJ Mall . That was my first time to came in there . There are many interesting products here such as furniture , clothes , toy and food .

Then I went to eat breakfast at Yum Sab resturant . I ordered Yam Mama and a glass of ice coffee ( Yum in Thai mean sour salad and Mama is a semifinished noodles ) . It taste was not good . It was too sour and very spicy . My mouth was red slowly and a little bit tears in my eyes . I think this is my last time to eat at here . Next , I walked slowly to look many interesting products . I saw very nice woolen coat . I walked directly into the shop and asked a shop owner How much ? He said .........Hmm.....I give you 3,500 baht . When he replyed , I smiled to him , said thank you very much and walked out . It is very very expensive .

After that , I walked to Sunday market . It is close JJ Mall . Most of products is an animal such as dog , fish , bird and aquatic plant . But sometimes would have snake and wild animals . My real objective was to buy some aquatic plants to add them into my tank because There are only 5 or 6 types of aquatic plant in it that I thought it is too little . My favorite aquatic plant shop name is Pranee . I like this shop because There are many kinds of aquatic plant and moss . But the important thing is a cost . It cheaper than others shop . I bought many kinds of moss such as Brazilian moss , Star moss and Christmas moss . The total cost was 400 baht . Before I walked out . I saw a lot of dwarf shrimps in the tanks . There are many colors such as red , blue and green . It was very cute . And I fell in love with them . So , I decided to buy six of them . It cost 200 baht .

Then I walked to another shop name All fish . This shop had variety products . You can buy everything for your fish tank at here . There are many kinds of rare fish , aquatic plant and the equipment . I bought a small log and mini stone to decorate my fish tank . 3 hours later I felt hungry again ( This is the reason why I have a good shape like this -_- ) . This shop has a beautiful location circle around with trees . The food was very delicious . It is the northern food of Thailand known as Kao Soi . It is the fried egg noodles , poured with a coconut cream source and eat with vegetable . Finally , I walked in front of a JJ Mall to wait a bus . I arrived home about 5.30 P.M. . I felt so tire and sleepy . But I could not sleep . I might to set up my fish tank . I set up finished at 1.30 A.M. . After that , took a baht and go to sleep .