Thursday, February 22, 2007

Last post

The time is pass very rapidly . This is my last post for English I . I will told you everything in my heart about English I class , my new friends , my feeling and you A. Jasper .

First time of the class . I and Rupkwan went in the class . A door was open before . I saw Ruth and Pop in the class . After that , other people came in the class . The room was silent because we didn't know each other before . About 30 minutes pass . Still not a teacher came in . I thought it strange maybe cancel class today . Not long after , Mr.Clayton came in the class and told us cancel class today because you was sick and Mr.Clayton pointed a short note at the door . Nobody notice a short note . Next day , you came in the class . I look at you and think you must very scold surely but I thought wrong . In fact you are joke .

At this class , I known many new friends such as Paint , Air , Net , Sa , Eu , P.Bandit and every people . They are my good friends . They helped to advised me when I don't understand what are you say and when I couldn't answer the homework except Kannit haha haha haha .

P. Bandit is my senior . He is very joke , funny and joyful . I think he is a colorful of the class . He like to tease his friends that make me felt relaxing . And he can advise me about law . He is smart mor than I think .

About 4 or 5 months that I learnt with you in English I class . Sometime I felt great , enjoyable and relax but in sometime I felt fear and stress very much . Especially at the time that I must presentation in front of the class . At that time , the room was silent . Nobody talk or did anything . When you called my name and my partner to presentation . My heart started beating . Rupkwan she was my partner . She started to talk and I wrote the headline and legal terms on the blackboard . When she talk finished . I received a microphone from her and talk . When I started to talk my hands and my voice was shaking because every people in the class look at me . It make me excited . I forgot everything that I prepare to talk that make me got low mark .

Finally , I want to thank you for everything that you taught me and I'm very glad to know you and every people in the class . See you and every people next semester in English II no English I . Bye bye .

Sunday, February 18, 2007

How can you develope your English skills

Nowadays , English language is very important . Many country used English language to communicate each other . But in some country . They used their language such as Thai , Japanese , Chainese and Franch .

There are many ways that you can use to develope your English skills
1.While you learning in the class . If you don't understand the lesson . You should to ask your teacher until you understand clearly and note down into your note book .
2.When you don't know the meaning of the word . Yon can search them from the dictionary or talking dictionary . Many students like to used talking dictionary because it is comfortable to use and light weight .
3.During you go to the university or in your free time . You should to write the vocabulary about 10 - 20 words into a mini paper and memerize it . If you remember them everyday . It will benefit for you . You will know more many new words . And you can use them in your learning .
4.If there are foreign student in your class . You should to talk with them frequently . It will help to practice you to speak and listen .
5.You must be diligent to read variety of books , poster or broad information . Including when you watch a movie . You can read a subtitle under the picture . It can help to develope your reading skill so fast .

For me I choosed to practice my English by watching English program on TV . My favourite English program is Chris delivery on Modern 9 TV . This program is very interesting . Mr. Christopher would teach you about basic English words and sentence that you can use it in your daily life . Furthermore he would led you go to many place such as in the supermarket or resturant . Moreover , I like to listen a Western song . It can reduce my stress and make me feel joyful .

I hope that all of these ways will help you to develope your English skills . Finally , I want to give some proverb to encourage every people who try to learning English " One is never too old to learn " .

Friday, February 9, 2007

Boring day

Today is very boring . I got up at 6 o'clock . I felt very sleepy and headache because yesterday I read a criminal book since 19.00 - 23.00 o'clock . There are about 900 pages . It is very very thick and heavy . I don't like to read this subject . I mostly like to read property and land law .After I got up , I go to take a bath and drink a bottle of milk . Then I went to Central Rama 2 to get on a van . I arrived at the university at 8.10 o'clock .

My first class is economic . I very hate this subject . I don't understand everything that a teacher say . He spoke very fast and quietly . There are 2 foreign students in the class . One is Chainese and another one is Indian . For Indian student , she is very clever and high confident . She always ask a teacher if she don't understand . I usually told my friends I think that she is only one student who understand what a theacher teach .

After my class finish . I went to eat breakfast with my friends . We ate papaya salad , chicken grill and sticky rice . Next , I went to the S building to read economic . Today I had economic quiz . At 12.30 o'clock , I went to C building to learn law of juristic acts and contracts . My class finished at 14.30 o'clock . After that , I went to ABEC condo to read economic with my friends . They could teach me a little bit .

At 17.00 o'clock , economic quiz started . I spent 45 minute to do quiz . When I got out the class . I ask my friend . Can you do it ? He shook his head and say nothing . Most of my friends could not do it . I think every want to get grade A but for me , I only want to pass because I don't want to learn economic again and again .

Saturday, February 3, 2007

My first English class at AU

After I graduated from my secondary school . I choosed to study at Assumption University because I want to improve my English skills ( speaking , listening , writing and reading ) . My first English class in AU is English intensive class . I choosed to learn at Bang Na campus . First day of learning . I felt very great and excited . I got up at 5.30 o’clock . I left home about 6.15 o’clock to get on a van at Si Praya pier . I spent 1 hours to go there .

When I arrived . I looked my watch . There are enough time . I spent the time to check my class and my section for sure . My class started at 9 o’clock . At that time it was 8.30 o’clock . Nobody in the class . After that , I went to the CL building to buy a bottle of milk and one piece of sandwich . About 9.10 o’clock , I came to the class . I stood outside and look in the class . There are 3 people in the class . Then I came in and sit behind them . Next , we started to conversation . We closed rapidly . They came from many faculties such as Arts , BBA . I’m the only one law student in the class .

My closely friend in the English intensive class is Jar . She came from Chonburi . She learned in the faculty of arts ( Business English ). She is very kind , joyful and funny . She always explain to me when I didn’t understand the lesson . She is my best friend . I’m very lucky to known her .

At 9.20 o’clock . My teacher came in the class . Her name is Mhemi . I’m not sure what is her nationality . I think she is Burmese . She is short and thin . She is very kind and teaching very fun .

Every morning , before started to learn . My teacher would test us . She gave us to write the dictation . She would talk the article 3 times . First time to listen , second time to write and third time to check it for sure . First dictation I got grade B because my grammar was very bad .

My class finished on 13.00 o’clock . I arrived at home about 16.00 o’clock . My mother ask me how are you today ? I told her I feel great . My friends are very friendly with me . She smile and after that , I went to take a bath , eat a dinner and do the home work . My teacher gave me home work . I must to wrote the essay 1 A4 paper everyday . Many people in the class didn’t like to do it but I didn’t think like that . I think it was a good way that could help me to develop my English skill and make me know many new words in a dictionary .