Friday, December 22, 2006

Prepare for the examination

22 / 12 / 2006

After new year celebration , midterm will start . I must exam 3 subjects 1. economics 2. English one 3. science - man . I'm very stress in economics because I don't understand and I don't like to calculate and draw the grafts . When I learn this subject . I felt very bore and sleepy . Sometime I headache and confused . I think it is very boring subject . My economics teacher is Thai . He is tall and fat . He can speak Thai , English and Chainese . Every morning he come in class with a big cup coffee and and milk . When he drank , he would mix coffee and milk together . He look very pretty like a Panda bear when he drink .

At the moment , after I finished class . I will go to the libraly to read and review the lessons with my friends . We will exchange the opinion about the lessons each other always . If I don't understand anything my friends will explain to me . They are very clever and hardworking . While I'm in class . I will note down the key definitions in my note book . I don't like to note down into a paper because it lost very easily . When I note down I will label my note clearly because it easy to find and read . Sometime I will use a highlighter pen to underline the important sentence .

At the end of every chapters . I will write a short summary . It can help me comfortable and fast to review again . When I come back home after I did homework , eat dinner and take a bath already . I will read book about 30 minute or 1 hour per day and read every chapters more than once . It can help me to remember accurately . In my free time I always practice to do the exercises behind a book and do a homework frequently because I think it can make me understand and remember a lot .

When I'm sleepy . I will go to take a bath , drink a hot coffee , listening the music , play computer games and watching the television . Every day I must sleep at least 6 hours per day . If I sleep least than 6 hours . I will feel dizzy . Before I come to the exam room . I will relaxing myself , check my stationery and turn my mobile phone everytime .


KisZ said...

Hey! You look so diligent than I thought!

Jasper said...

Dilligent indeed! I wish you good luck with your economics report!


Happy new year!