Sunday, December 17, 2006

Jacqueline du Pre

17 / 12 / 2006

Jacqueline du Pre grew up in Oxford in the musician family . Her mother was a pianist and her sister was a flutist . Her cello teacher is William Pleeth . She heard cello first time on the radio . After that , she interested and start to play cello . At age ten in 1960 , she won the gold medal of the Guildhall school of music in London and the Queen's Prize for British musicians .

Jacqueline du Pre played 2 stradivarius cellos . First cello made in 1672 and once more name Davydov , it was the one of greatest cellos in the world . She received 2 cellos from her godmother , Ismena Holland .

She traveled around the world to perform her concert . She played cello with many famous musicians such as Yehudi Menuhin , Itzhak Perlman , Zubin Mehta , and Pinchas Zucherman , and her boyfriend , Daniel Barenboim he was a conductor and pianist .

Her masterpiece is Elgar cello concerto in E minor Op.85 . When she played her cello the audience would feel seem hypnotize . She could control her cello just like it was her organic . At that time , she was very and successfully . In October 1973 , She was illness . She couldn’t perform her concert or play her cello . She must sat on a wheel chair . Until October 19 , 1987 she was died at her 42 years old .

After she died , her cellos Davydov left to yo yo ma Chainese cellist and 1672 left to Lynn Harrell .

Finally , I want you try to listen her album . I'm sure you must like it .

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