Sunday, December 24, 2006

My fish

24 / 12 / 2006

Fish is my favourite animal . I like fish because it was beautiful and calmly . I don't like dog , cat or other animal because it smell bad . When I feel stress from study . I would like to look my fish in the aquarium always . It make me feel relax and happy . I have 3 aquariums and many kind of fish in my house , such as angelfish , discus , neon tetras and guppy .

I like angelfish mostly because it is beautiful , colorful and very fantastic . It shape is flat look like a paper . The natural home of angelfish is the Amazon River . The original species of angelfish is Altum or Giant angel . In Thailand it cost is very high about 2,000 - 5,000 bath per pair because it rare and hard to breed .

I have 3 species angelfish , such as Gold Pearl Scale ( red eyes ) , Black Zebra Tiger and White Platinum . All of this I bought from JJ market . It cost about 100 - 300 baht per pair . Angelfish can available in general fish store . The cost will cheap or expensive depend on each species .

This is my fish .

Angelfish like to live in PH about 6.5 of water , 26 degrees of a temperature , clean water and need lot of oxygen . So , I must change water and clean the aquarium everyweek . If I don't change water , fish maybe sick or finally die . The aquarium that suitable for angelfish must large at least 29 gallons and at least 18 inchs deep and should have a filter also .

Angelfish do very well in a group with 6 or more but should not least than 3 because the strongest one will make the others miserable . Angelfish compatible with other fish , such as neon tetras , herlequin rasbora and zebra danio . But you must consider your fish size and characteristic also because your anglefish maybe eat small fish if it hungry .

Angelfish can eat fresh food , pellet food and freeze food . For me , I gave pellet food alternate with blood worms freeze to it . I feed it 2 times per day . 1 time in the morning before I go to university and 1 time after I come back home . Angefish can grow very fast if you rear in large aquarium , chang water frequently and feed with fresh food , such as blood worms and mosquito larva . It can grow to be 12 inchs or more and live for at least 10 years .

Besides my angelfish , I have betta or fightingfish but I will show you next chance .

Friday, December 22, 2006

Prepare for the examination

22 / 12 / 2006

After new year celebration , midterm will start . I must exam 3 subjects 1. economics 2. English one 3. science - man . I'm very stress in economics because I don't understand and I don't like to calculate and draw the grafts . When I learn this subject . I felt very bore and sleepy . Sometime I headache and confused . I think it is very boring subject . My economics teacher is Thai . He is tall and fat . He can speak Thai , English and Chainese . Every morning he come in class with a big cup coffee and and milk . When he drank , he would mix coffee and milk together . He look very pretty like a Panda bear when he drink .

At the moment , after I finished class . I will go to the libraly to read and review the lessons with my friends . We will exchange the opinion about the lessons each other always . If I don't understand anything my friends will explain to me . They are very clever and hardworking . While I'm in class . I will note down the key definitions in my note book . I don't like to note down into a paper because it lost very easily . When I note down I will label my note clearly because it easy to find and read . Sometime I will use a highlighter pen to underline the important sentence .

At the end of every chapters . I will write a short summary . It can help me comfortable and fast to review again . When I come back home after I did homework , eat dinner and take a bath already . I will read book about 30 minute or 1 hour per day and read every chapters more than once . It can help me to remember accurately . In my free time I always practice to do the exercises behind a book and do a homework frequently because I think it can make me understand and remember a lot .

When I'm sleepy . I will go to take a bath , drink a hot coffee , listening the music , play computer games and watching the television . Every day I must sleep at least 6 hours per day . If I sleep least than 6 hours . I will feel dizzy . Before I come to the exam room . I will relaxing myself , check my stationery and turn my mobile phone everytime .

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Jacqueline du Pre

17 / 12 / 2006

Jacqueline du Pre grew up in Oxford in the musician family . Her mother was a pianist and her sister was a flutist . Her cello teacher is William Pleeth . She heard cello first time on the radio . After that , she interested and start to play cello . At age ten in 1960 , she won the gold medal of the Guildhall school of music in London and the Queen's Prize for British musicians .

Jacqueline du Pre played 2 stradivarius cellos . First cello made in 1672 and once more name Davydov , it was the one of greatest cellos in the world . She received 2 cellos from her godmother , Ismena Holland .

She traveled around the world to perform her concert . She played cello with many famous musicians such as Yehudi Menuhin , Itzhak Perlman , Zubin Mehta , and Pinchas Zucherman , and her boyfriend , Daniel Barenboim he was a conductor and pianist .

Her masterpiece is Elgar cello concerto in E minor Op.85 . When she played her cello the audience would feel seem hypnotize . She could control her cello just like it was her organic . At that time , she was very and successfully . In October 1973 , She was illness . She couldn’t perform her concert or play her cello . She must sat on a wheel chair . Until October 19 , 1987 she was died at her 42 years old .

After she died , her cellos Davydov left to yo yo ma Chainese cellist and 1672 left to Lynn Harrell .

Finally , I want you try to listen her album . I'm sure you must like it .

Good memories at my old school

17 / 12 / 2006

My old school is Wat Suthiwararam . It located on Charoenkrung road near Chowpraya river . It is a secondary school . There are 6 level since M.1 – M.6 There are about 3,500 students .

My old school very famous in football team , marching band , and academic such as physical , chemical and biological . I learnt in Wat Suthiwararam for 6 years . So , I felt Wat Suthiwararam was my home and my teachers was my father and my mother . When I wasn’t understand the lesson , My teachers would explain me until I’m understand clearly .

Everyday , I must got up at 5.30 o’clock . I went to school by bus . I arrived school about 7.00 o’clock . Then on 7.30 o’clock every student must line up in front of them class . First subject started on 8.10 o’clock , last subject started on 15.50 o’clock .

I studied in English – French program . There are 35 people in class . Every people was very closely . We always did homework , review the lesson and read the book when the exam was near together . Every Friday , we should go to play f
ootball . Sometime , we should go to see movie , to play bowling and sing karaoke together . I felt happy when I goes with them because they was sincerely and honestly . When I stress my friends usually make me feel better , they would told the joke story to me .

My fevourite subject is social sciences because a teacher who taught in this subject was kind and very funny . When he taught students would enjoyable with him . But I wasn’t like mathematics because it was so hard to understand and I think it was unnescessary for me to use in my occupation in the future . My objective is a public prosecutor not an accountant . Moreover , my mathematics teacher was very grumble and strict with us . He order homework every days . At that time , I wasn’t like him but in this time , I understand him already .

Finally , I want to say thank you to my every teacher . I’m very pround in my school . Every people help and advise me everytime . I will kept these good memories in my heart forever .